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Tuesday, Aug 15 2017

QUICK CLIP: Heller flip flops on health care yet AGAIN… in span of three days

Aug 15, 2017

“Pleased” with health care outcome on Friday“Disappointed” by it on Monday
You just can’t make this stuff up. Last night, Dean Heller flip flopped for the gazillionth time on health care. 
Friday, Heller told a Nevada TV station that he was “real pleased” with the outcome of the health care debate, even though he’d voted to repeal the ACA and that measure failed.
But last night, just three days later, Heller indicated the exact opposite during a radio interview on the Dan Mason Show, saying “no one was more disappointed than myself that we didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare.”
What changed? Just the person he was talking to. 
“It’s not even surprising anymore when Dean Heller flips his position on health care– he changes his mind with whatever direction the wind is blowing,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “It couldn’t be clearer that Dean Heller has no actual convictions and will say anything he thinks helps him politically, but his ridiculous back and forth isn’t getting past Nevadans. They know he broke his promise to them and voted to rip health care away from millions. They’ll hold him responsible on Election Day.”
Heller has voted to repeal or dismantle the ACA more than 20 times. 

Published: Aug 15, 2017

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