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Friday, Sep 9 2016

Pence Twice Voted Against 9/11 First Responders Health Care Bill

Sep 09, 2016

When Mike Pence had the opportunity to put his money where his mouth was on supporting 9/11 first responders, he let them and their families down.

“[T]he true legacy of 9-11 cannot be found among political leaders of the day,” wrote then-Rep. Mike Pence in a 2011 op-ed, “but in the citizen soldiers and public safety personnel who answered that day with courage and selflessness.” 

Pence continued: “To our police, fire and public safety personnel who ran in when others ran out, who braved the flames…belongs the credit for this day.”

But when asked to vote to that effect, Pence — who on another occasion had the nerve to invoke 9/11 when expressing his displeasure with the Supreme Court’s 2012 decision upholding the Affordable Care Act — didn’t live up to his own lofty rhetoric:

In July and September of 2010, Pence voted at least twice against the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which sought to “cover the cost of medical care for rescue workers and others who became sick from toxic fumes, dust and smoke after the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center.”

When it came to “crediting” and respecting 9/11 first responders, Mike Pence was all talk, no action. Voters can’t trust him or Donald Trump to put their health and safety first.

Published: Sep 9, 2016

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