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Thursday, Oct 13 2016

Panicked Puppet Protection: Kochs' Concerned Veterans Endorse Heck

Oct 13, 2016

This morning the Koch network took another extraordinary step on behalf of Joe Heck. Concerned Veterans for America, soon to consolidate under the Americans for Prosperity banner, directly endorsed Joe Heck. In a panic to protect Heck, the Kochs are moving from issue-based advocacy to directly supporting their hand-selected minions.

Heck’s campaign has already received an unprecedented level of support from the Koch brothers’ political machine, including over $7 million in negative advertising from Freedom Partners Action Fund and the first instance of the Kochs’ LIBRE Initiative “explicitly backing” a candidate.

American Bridge Vice President Eddie Vale issued the following statement on CVA’s endorsement of Joe Heck:

“This isn’t about veterans issues. The Kochs are nervous that they stand to lose a loyal puppet who’ll promote not just VA privatization but also the rest of the Kochs’ self-serving, anti-working families agenda.

“That’s why the billionaire brothers have been spending money in Nevada: they know Congressman Joe Heck won’t hesitate to put their interests over what’s best for Nevadans.

“Nevada’s working families deserve better than a Koch puppet who doesn’t care about them.”

Published: Oct 13, 2016

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