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Wednesday, Aug 10 2016

Oops, Key Trump Adviser "Flat Out Lied" About Bridgegate

Aug 10, 2016

Chairman of Donald Trump’s transition team and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie “flat out lied” about his knowledge of senior staff’s involvement in lane closures in Fort Lee, according to private text messages of a former staffer. Recent court filings show a concerned aide knew Governor Christie was being dishonest; and that emails found in discovery “could be bad”.

The truth has never been a high priority for Trump. It’s apparent that the people he’s chosen for high level positions in his campaign also have little regard for the truth. Christie’s politically motivated “traffic problems” were not only an inconvenience, the disruption to emergency vehicles was inherently dangerous. Yet this is the man that Donald Trump has tapped to build his administration.
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Published: Aug 10, 2016

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