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Saturday, Feb 22 2014

"Old News," Governor Walker? You wish.

Feb 22, 2014

Statement From American Bridge President Brad Woodhouse:

“Scott Walker says the revelations this week from the John Doe investigation are old news. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“It’s not old news that Scott Walker’s most trusted and seniors aides traded in gross, anti-women, anti-gay, anti-Semitic, racist emails. It’s not old news that Scott Walker ordered an employee fired for no other reason than she had been an underwear model. And it wasn’t old news that Scott Walker ordered daily coordination between his campaign and the County Executive’s office, that he knew about the secret and illegal email system used there on his behalf, or that he ordered it shutdown once the crap was getting ready to hit the fan. No, none of this was old news.

“What has gotten old is Scott Walker’s refusal to answer questions, his refusal to come clean with the public and his insistence on putting his personal ambition over the interests of his constituents. Another thing certainly is showing some age – his prospects for reelection and his hopes for higher office.”

Published: Feb 22, 2014

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