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Wednesday, Nov 2 2016

NEW REPORT: Blunt Took Over $2.5 Million From Companies That Outsourced Missouri Jobs

Nov 02, 2016

Senator Roy Blunt has taken more than $2.5 million in campaign contributions from companies that outsourced Missouri jobs. Blunt regularly calls himself a jobs champion — but the only jobs he’s helping create are ones in Mexico, China, and India.

According to a new report by American Bridge, Blunt received donations from companies that sent more than 5,300 Missouri jobs overseas, supporting policies that hurt American workers and even veterans.


Blunt’s support for outsourcing companies and policies is par for the course for the senator. Afterall, he’s been a standard bearer for Donald Trump, who’s invested in and profitted off of the same companies he disavows for outsourcing American jobs. Trump’s own clothing line is even made overseas.

Take a look at the hundreds of donations equaling millions of dollars, Blunt has received throughout his career from companies that outsourced jobs in our latest report.

Published: Nov 2, 2016

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