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Friday, Jun 1 2018

New Evidence: Hawley Got Greitens Sunshine Investigation Totally Wrong

Jun 01, 2018

When Josh Hawley announced the results of his investigation into Gov. Greitens, he said confidently that eight members of the governor’s staff used the self-destructing messaging app Confide. Hawley found no evidence of wrongdoing — probably because he only talked to eight people and did not interview the governor.
This afternoon, Cole County Judge Jon Beetem shattered Hawley’s attempt to portray his investigation as thorough: it turns out 20 members of Greitens’s staff tried to hide state business.
“After taking $50,000 in campaign cash from Governor Greitens, Josh Hawley cleared his office of wrongdoing after they were caught attempting to hide public business from the people of Missouri. Now, it’s clear Hawley’s whitewash didn’t even find out how many people were in on the plot,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Published: Jun 1, 2018

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