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Thursday, Aug 4 2016

New Digital Ads Highlights Senate GOP's Unwavering Support For Trump

Aug 04, 2016

American Bridge is releasing a new digital ad campaign highlighting vulnerable GOP senate candidates’ unwavering support for Donald Trump, even after he lashed out at a Gold Star Family, the Khans.

From American Bridge President Jessica Mackler:

“Republican senators and senate candidates can’t have it both ways: supporting Donald Trump for the presidency means backing his offensive and un-American attacks on the Khan family.  Senators Toomey, Burr, Blunt, Rubio, Johnson, Portman, and Congressman Joe Heck have deserted common decency in favor of the Party of Trump. Their cowardice knows no bounds and they are divorced from reality if they believe that the American voters won’t see through the facade in November.”

Watch the ads:

Marco Rubio

Ron Johnson

Pat Toomey

Rob Portman

Roy Blunt

Richard Burr


Published: Aug 4, 2016

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