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Friday, Jul 21 2017

New Analysis Shows Medicaid Costs for Nevadans Would Skyrocket Under Trumpcare

Jul 21, 2017

A new analysis of the Senate GOP’s Trumpcare bill shows that annual out-of-pocket costs will skyrocket for Nevadans under the newest draft of the Senate GOP’s Trumpcare plan.

A single, 60-year-old Nevadan earning $12,360 who currently pays $0 under the Affordable Care Act would pay $7,650 in premiums and deductibles next year, according to a new study by the non-partisan Urban Institute.

“It’s more clear than ever that Trumpcare would sentence tens of thousands of Nevadans — and millions of Americans — to insurance with out-of-pocket costs so high it effectively leaves them uninsured. With every new study, the truth becomes clearer: Trumpcare would strip millions of their insurance and raise costs on millions more, and that’s why Nevadans are demanding Sen. Dean Heller stand up for them — for once,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.
Take a look at the horrifying numbers:
Read the full Nevada analysis by the Urban Institute here.

Published: Jul 21, 2017

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