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Friday, May 11 2018

NEW ADS: Why Won’t GOP House and Senate Candidates Stand Up To Scott Pruitt?

May 11, 2018

Today, American Bridge is launching a series of new digital ads that expose Republican House and Senate candidates’ failure to protect their constituents from Scott Pruitt’s corruption.

The ads will run on social media, targeting Florida Senate candidate Rick Scott, Nevada Senator Dean Heller, Pennsylvania Senate candidate Lou Barletta, Arizona Senate candidate Martha McSally, Ohio Senate candidate Jim Renacci, Congressman Tom MacArthur (NJ-03), and Congressman Fred Upton (MI-06). The 30-second video urges voters to call the lawmakers’ offices to demand they stand up to Scott Pruitt.

“In his brief tenure as EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt has undertaken a relentless and unprecedented campaign of corruption,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Republican House and Senate candidates have refused to stand up to him — at the expense of millions in taxpayer dollars. Voters deserve to know why Republican candidates are standing with Swamp Creature Pruitt over their interests.”


WATCH the ads below:

Why is Gov. Rick Scott Afraid to Stand Up to Scott Pruitt?

Why is Senator Dean Heller Afraid to Stand Up to Scott Pruitt?

Why is Rep. Lou Barletta Afraid to Stand Up to Scott Pruitt?

Why is Rep. Martha McSally Afraid to Stand Up to Scott Pruitt?

Why is Rep. Jim Renacci Afraid to Stand Up to Scott Pruitt?

Why is Rep. Tom MacArthur Afraid to Stand Up to Scott Pruitt?

Why is Rep. Fred Upton Afraid to Stand Up to Pruitt?


Published: May 11, 2018

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