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Tuesday, Aug 28 2018

NEW AD: Martha McSally Is Deeply Damaged Following “Ugly” Arizona Senate Primary

Aug 28, 2018

Immediately following the Arizona Senate primary election, American Bridge released a digital ad targeting newly minted Republican Senate candidate Martha McSally. The ad asks Arizona voters — if McSally’s fellow Republicans have so thoroughly denounced her, how can any voter have confidence in her candidacy?

The 30-second ad will play this week on social media in Arizona, targeted to Republican midterm voters.

“Martha McSally heads into the general election deeply damaged thanks to months of attacks over her blatant pandering and flip-flopping, and voters won’t forget what they learned about her in the lead up to her ‘victory’ tonight. With the primary over, Arizonans will be rightfully questioning if they can support a candidate whose own party labeled her a flip-flopping political opportunist,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman.

WATCH McSally’s Republican opponent tell Arizonans exactly why they shouldn’t vote for her for Senate:

Watch the full ad here.

Watch American Bridge’s ad highlighting McSally’s flip-flopping record here.

Published: Aug 28, 2018

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