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Wednesday, May 23 2018

NEW AD Features Beholden Mike Braun Campaigning with Lobbyists Aligned with Indiana Outsourcers

May 23, 2018

American Bridge launched a new digital ad today featuring exclusive footage of Indiana Senate candidate Mike Braun exiting a fundraiser at Washington, DC lobbying firm BGR Group.

BGR Group lists among its clients United Technologies, the parent group of Carrier, which outsourced over 500 Indiana jobs to Mexico.

“Mike Braun called DC politicians ‘beholden…to lobbyists, PACs, and the people who finance their campaigns.’ But now that he’s won the primary he apparently has no qualms about rubbing shoulders with Washington insiders. A week of high-dollar fundraisers with a who’s who of the Swamp makes one thing clear: Mike Braun is committed to flooding the Swamp, not draining it,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman.

WATCH “Beholden Braun” strolling down K Street:

Watch the full ad here.

Published: May 23, 2018 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2024

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