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Wednesday, Aug 22 2018

NEW AD: Ahead of Primary, American Bridge Slams McSally’s Twists and Turns

Aug 22, 2018

American Bridge launched a new digital ad today in advance of next Tuesday’s Arizona Senate primary. The ad targets Rep. Martha McSally for her demonstrated record of self-serving flip-flops on issues from DACA to President Trump’s wall.

The ad will run on social media statewide in Arizona, targeted at likely Republican primary voters and likely independent general election voters.

WATCH McSally twist and turn on key issues:

Watch “Twist” here.

“Whichever way the political winds are blowing, Martha McSally is sure to follow,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Arizonans deserve better than McSally’s twists and turns, putting cheap politics over principle. And regardless of what happens next Tuesday, McSally will exit the primary race irreparably damaged.”

Published: Aug 22, 2018

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