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Wednesday, Mar 14 2018

(Nearly) Live Look: Heller's On The Run From His Own Campaign Announcement

Mar 14, 2018

Dean Heller’s on the run — from his own reelection announcement. After the details leaked on Twitter, Sen. Dean Heller abandoned his own campaign announcement event, scheduled for this morning, and “snuck into the Capitol and filed on Friday without any fanfare.”

“Dean Heller is running so scared, he’s even running away from his own campaign events and supporters. And no wonder: in recent days, he’s been caught denigrating immigrants, hoping for a hail-Mary Supreme Court vacancy to energize his base, and been hit with an ethics complaint over his unlicensed multi-million dollar hay farm. The only surprising thing to Nevadans is how fast Dean Heller can run away from them with all that baggage,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Just a week ago Heller was (by all appearances) excited to file for reelection:

Now, take a (nearly) live look at Dean Heller’s reelection campaign announcement:

This will come as no surprise to Nevadans, of course. This is precisely as much of Dean Heller they always see.

Published: Mar 14, 2018

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