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News Thursday, May 5 2016

Mr. Trump Goes To Washington: Will Trump's Senate Endorsers Meet With Him?

May 05, 2016

With presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump reportedly set to visit Capitol Hill as early as next week, will Trump-supporting Senators Kelly Ayotte, Rob Portman, Pat Toomey, Mark Kirk, Richard Burr, Ron Johnson, John McCain, and Chuck Grassley sit down with their party’s new de facto leader and formally endorse him?

Most of them have begrudgingly met with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, who they’ve staunchly refused to give a fair hearing and vote — the least they can do is take a meeting with their party’s presumptive nominee.

Each of the senators have already said they will support Trump as the GOP nominee — a formal endorsement and party unity photo op is a no-brainer.

Read more from Politico.

Published: May 5, 2016

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