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Tuesday, Sep 20 2011

Mother Jones: Romney and Fannie and Freddie: Oh My!

Sep 20, 2011

“Republican presidential contender Mitt Romneylikes to slam Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-run housing giants that he claims triggered the recent housing meltdown. (They didn’t.) But what Romney isn’t letting on, the Boston Globe reports, is that at the same time he’s ripped Fannie and Freddie, he has also raked in cash from personal investments in the two companies, which the federal government took over in September 2008.


A spokesman for American Bridge, the liberal opposition research group that pulled together Romney’s financial records, said the candidate’s Fannie and Freddie investments show that Romney’s “hypocrisy knows no limits.””

Read more from Mother Jones

Published: Sep 20, 2011

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