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Monday, Aug 24 2020

American Bridge 21st Century Announces Ad, Video Series Featuring Michael Cohen Ahead of RNC

Aug 24, 2020

Former Personal Attorney and Fixer Makes the Case Against Four More Years for Trump

Ahead of the first night of the Republican National Convention, American Bridge 21st Century today announced a new video series and ad campaign featuring Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, fixer, and confidant Michael Cohen.  Starting tonight, American Bridge 21st Century will release digital and television ads, as well as video excerpts on social media platforms from the full conversation with Cohen, over the balance of the week. 

“From family members to long-time confidants, those who know Donald Trump best are sounding the alarm about his character, honesty, and fitness for office,” said American Bridge 21st Century President Bradley Beychok. “The American people deserve to hear the unvarnished truth: our country cannot take four more years of Donald Trump as president.”


COHEN: For more than a decade, I was President Trump’s right-hand man, fixer, and confidant. I was complicit in helping conceal the real Donald Trump. 

I was part of creating an illusion.  

Later this week, he’s going to stand up and blatantly lie to you. I’m here to tell you he can’t be trusted – and you shouldn’t believe a word he utters. 

So when you watch the President this week, remember this.  

If he says something is huge, it’s probably small.  

If he says something will work, it probably won’t.  

And if he says he cares about you and your family, he certainly does not.

He’s going to tell you that if you re-elect him, the economy will bounce back.  That only he can get us out of this economic crisis.

TRUMP: I alone can fix it.

COHEN: Maybe for those like him. But if you think he cares about working-class Americans, you’re dead wrong.

The President is going to talk about law and order. That’s laughable. Virtually everyone who worked for his campaign has been convicted of a crime or is under indictment. Myself included.

So when the President gets in front of the cameras this week, remember that he thinks we are all gullible, a bunch of fools.  

I was a part of it. And I fell for it.

You don’t have to like me. But please, listen to me.

Published: Aug 24, 2020

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