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Wednesday, Jun 27 2018

MEMO: Trump En Route to North Dakota to Try to Save Kevin Cramer’s Campaign

Jun 27, 2018

As the President makes his way to North Dakota tonight to campaign for himself Rep. Kevin Cramer, we’re sure Cramer has his fingers and toes crossed that the visit will give his floundering campaign a boost.

“Kevin Cramer is clearly in way over his head,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Trump’s visit tonight may net some headlines for Cramer, but once the cameras are gone, it’ll be back to the regularly scheduled programming of self-inflicted damage.”

This election cycle hasn’t been kind to Kevin Cramer. Let’s review:

  • From the start, Cramer was a backup choice for national Republicans, who practically begged him not to run, worried about his “penchant for controversial remarks.”
  • In fact, Cramer was only compelled to run by his financial benefactor, out-of-state billionaire Harold Hamm.
  • Cramer is being outraised by nearly 5 to 1.
  • …But he has a habit of using campaign funds to pay himself and his family.
  • Cramer has what appears to be a skeleton crew of just 6 paid staffers, plus his wife.
  • Cramer’s penchant for controversial remarks keeps causing him trouble: He recently caught flack after calling Trump’s friendliness toward Heitkamp “obscene.”
  • …And started a war with White House legislative director Marc Short over it.
  • …Then proceeded to whine further about his purported snub from the President.
  • …And kept on whining.
  • Cramer was deemed “under fire on all fronts” by a conservative talk radio host.
  • He went after his female congressional colleagues for their clothing choices.
  • He courted — and won — the support of an extreme anti-LGBT group, then tried to walk it back.
  • Last week in the midst of a national uproar over family separation Cramer compared cages for migrant children to playgrounds.
  • And, he has a history of major flip-flops on issues from tariffs to the internet sales tax.

Kevin Cramer’s not ready for primetime, but we bet he’s hoping Donald Trump will have the power to pull him into the limelight — if only for tonight.

Published: Jun 27, 2018

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