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Wednesday, Jun 23 2021

Marco Rubio Called Out For Opposing Tax Cuts

Jun 23, 2021

A new report from West Palm Beach, FL’s WPTV-TV highlights that the American Rescue Plan’s expanded child tax credit will provide a needed lift to hardworking families across Florida and nationally — “including roughly half of all Black and Latino children” — no thanks to Marco Rubio, who opposed the expansion and voted against the bill along with every other Republican in Congress.

As the midterm elections approach, and the expanded tax credit begins to deliver tangible benefits to working families in Florida and across the country, Senator Rubio and his fellow Republicans will be unable to hide their opposition to these new working-families-first tax cuts.

WPTV-TV: Child Tax Credit expansion could drop child poverty in Florida, experts say

By: Forrest Saunders | June 22, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Child poverty could be drastically reduced if Floridians take advantage of the Child Tax Credit expansion. That’s according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.”
  • “The Florida Policy Institute highlighted the findings this week as the White House pushed the state and nation to check eligibility. ‘An estimated 65.6 million American children will benefit from improvements to the CTC,’ the institute said in a statement. ‘Including roughly half of all Black and Latino children, whose families (along with other families of color) are disproportionately employed in low-wage jobs because of historic and ongoing discriminatory policies and practices.’”
  • “The American Rescue Plan saw party-line opposition from Republicans in Congress. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, took particular issue with changes to the Child Tax Credit.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Jun 23, 2021 | Last Modified: Jun 29, 2021

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