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Friday, Dec 1 2017

Before Likely Senate Vote, American Bridge Launches Digital Ads Blasting Trump-Republican Tax Plan For Selling Out The Middle Class

Dec 01, 2017

Ahead of a likely vote on the Senate Republican tax proposal, American Bridge began a digital ad campaign to hold Donald Trump and Republicans accountable for trying to raise taxes on millions of middle class Americans and increase healthcare costs across the board in order to cut taxes for the rich and for corporations.

The ads, which are running on Facebook in Arizona, Maine, Nevada, Tennessee, and Wisconsin, urge constituents to call their Senators and urge them to vote against the bill, emphasizing that the Trump-Republican tax plan will be an economic body-blow to the middle class families that Trump pledged he would help.

To watch the ad running against Dean Heller in Nevada, click HERE.

“This is going to go down in history as a defining vote for the Republican Party,” said Shripal Shah, Vice President of American Bridge. “This isn’t tax reform, it’s a tax scam that sells out the the middle-class with higher taxes, increased healthcare costs, exploding deficits, and incentives for companies to send jobs overseas. The country can’t afford this disaster, and every Republican who supported it will be held accountable.”

A multitude of economic experts, including Congress’s independent budget and tax analysts, have determined that the Senate Republican tax proposal would make tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans and corporations  possible by forcing the middle class to pay more.  Simultaneously, CEOs of major companies have announced that, in contradiction of Trump’s promises, they would not use the corporate tax cuts in the Republican plan to create jobs or raise wages.

To cut taxes for the rich (including Donald Trump himself) and for corporations, the Senate Republican tax plan would:

  • Deprive 13 million Americans of their health insurance while raising healthcare costs across the board

Published: Dec 1, 2017

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