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Thursday, May 31 2018

Kevin Cramer Lashes Out At Trump Administration

May 31, 2018

“Bumbling Kevin Cramer has a new strategy in his flailing Senate campaign: attack the Trump administration for failing to support him strongly enough. After yet another embarrassing blowup from Cramer, it’s no wonder Republicans spent all of 2017 searching desperately for a different candidate. As everyone knows, the best way to win back your ex is to yell at them on local radio,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

This isn’t the first time Cramer’s unhinged outbursts have raised eyebrows in North Dakota and Washington. Cramer has accused female members of Congress of having a “disease,” defended Sean Spicer’s universally condemned remarks about Hitler, and last summer went on MSNBC to yell incoherently about the Republican Congress.


Politico: GOP Senate candidate lashes out at Trump’s legislative director

By Burgess Everett | May 30, 2018

  • “Rep. Kevin Cramer, one of the GOP’s top Senate recruits, launched an unusual attack on the White House’s legislative director Wednesday, blaming him explicitly for the party’s legislative failures in the Senate.”
  • “The comments from Cramer (R-N.D.) come amid rising GOP angst over President Donald Trump’s close relationship with his opponent in the North Dakota Senate race, Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp.”
  • “Cramer told North Dakota radio host Rob Port that he had done some digging and believes that there “are some people in the White House that think, you know, the president’s too friendly too her.'”
  • “Then Cramer laid into White House legislative affairs director Marc Short for two prominent failed GOP efforts in the Senate: Repeal of Obamacare and the rollback of an Obama-era regulation that would limit flaring and venting from oil and gas wells.”
  • “In an interview last week with POLITICO, Cramer insisted he is not angry over Trump’s political flirtations with Heitkamp: ‘Not the case at all.'”
  • “[But] on Port’s show, Cramer said the spat over Heitkamp’s attendance at the banking bill signing “just seems to be an argument between Marc Short and other people in the White House.'”

Read the full story here.

Published: May 31, 2018

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