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Tuesday, May 3 2016

Jon Keyser Ready To Ride The Trump Train

May 03, 2016

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Jon Keyser dispelled any notion that he’s not a member of Team Trump yesterday, taking to the airways to demonstrate his loyalty to the Republican front-runner. Keyser already pledged his support to Trump on the debate stage, now he’s crystallizing that support.

Keyser stated that he is “absolutely certain” that the Republican nominee (almost certain to be the xenophobic and misogynistic Donald Trump) will be the best option in November.  Earlier in the day, Keyser made it clear that not only will he support the Republican standard-bearer, but his support won’t be begrudging or halfhearted: He’s “really looking forward to supporting the nominee.” 

If having to pursue legal action to secure a place on the ballot after loaning his campaign $100,000 wasn’t evidence enough, Keyser’s eagerness to jump on the Trump Train further demonstrates a man who–as described by a colleague in the Colorado legislature–isn’t ready for prime time.  


Published: May 3, 2016

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