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Saturday, Jan 20 2018

Jim Renacci Has A Record Of Keeping His Pay During Gov't Shutdowns

Jan 20, 2018

The federal government shut down last night after the Republican-led Congress failed to pass a bill to fund the government — and federal workers and contractors across Ohio face the specter of missing paychecks. But Ohioans already know what Congressman Jim Renacci, one of the richest members of Congress, will do: he’s going to keep his taxpayer-funded paycheck, no matter what.

In 2013, the last time his party caused a shutdown, Renacci took his pay even though many other members of Congress chose to forgo or donate theirs. He didn’t even have the decency to explain himself to his constituents.

“Our federal government shut down last night and Republicans like Jim Renacci, who control all the levers of power in Washington, are the reason why,” said American Bridge spokesperson Allison Teixeira Sulier. “Jim Renacci works for the people of Ohio, and if he isn’t doing his job, he shouldn’t get paid. Ohioans deserve to know if their representative will keep their hard-earned tax dollars while failing to do his job.”

Published: Jan 20, 2018

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