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Wednesday, Mar 22 2017

Jeff Flake’s Empty And Embarrassing Line of Questioning

Mar 22, 2017

During yesterday’s Supreme Court nomination hearing, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake used his time to question Judge Neil Gorsuch about fighting a “horse-sized duck” and whether he’s worn “gym shorts and a tank top under [his] robe.“ Yes, really.

This comes after Flake previously said that most of what Senators do during confirmation hearings is “bloviate.” Yes, really.

“Jeff Flake is disgracing his office and the people of Arizona by using his opportunity to question Supreme Court nominee for jokes too dumb for a college dorm. Senator Flake, instead of joking that you and your colleagues just ‘bloviate,’ maybe you should focus on doing your homework and asking Neil Gorsuch the tough questions Arizonans expect from their Senator,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler.

Here are just some of the headlines highlighting how Flake embarrassed himself:

Phoenix New Times: Jeff Flake Gets a Bit, Uh, Flaky, Asks Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch About Fighting a Horse-Sized Duck

TIME: A Senator Asked Neil Gorsuch If He’d Rather Fight a Horse-Sized Duck or 100 Duck-Sized Horses

Gizmodo: Senator Asks Supreme Court Nominee If He’d Rather Fight 100 Duck-Sized Horses or One Horse-Sized Duck

Arizona Republic: Fighting a horse-sized duck: Sen. Jeff Flake gets goofy during Gorsuch questioning

Mother Jones: A Senator Just Asked Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee A Question That Is Going To Make The Internet Explode

KTAR: Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake asks Gorsuch popular horse, duck question during hearing

Business Insider: GOP senator asks Trump Supreme Court nominee famous Reddit question about horse-sized ducks and duck-sized horses

Huffington Post: Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court Nominee, Asked Bizarre Question About Horses And Ducks

Mashable: Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch just failed the Reddit test at his confirmation hearing

Published: Mar 22, 2017

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