Path 2

Friday, Apr 7 2017

Jeff Flake Votes to Confirm Trump's Supreme Court Pick

Apr 07, 2017

 Today, Senator Jeff Flake voted to confirm Donald Trump’s choice for the Supreme Court, a far-right activist judge who puts corporate profits above the constitutional rights of regular Americans.

American Bridge spokesman Joshua Karp made the following statement:

“Arizonans lost today, because an activist judge who will always put their constitutional rights second to his far-right, pro-business agenda has been handed a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. Instead of selecting a mainstream nominee, Donald Trump — with the advice and consent of conservative groups pumping $10 million into the process — chose Neil Gorsuch, who consistently sides with the wealthy and the powerful, and against working families and women’s health care. Instead of standing up for the people of Arizona, Senator Flake continued his unbroken streak of voting for Trump’s reckless agenda 100% of the time.”

Published: Apr 7, 2017

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