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Monday, Jun 26 2017

Jeff Flake Hangs Out with Koch Brothers, Ducks Constituents

Jun 26, 2017

On the heels of the Senate healthcare bill’s release last week, Jeff Flake didn’t spend the weekend hearing from his constituents about health care.

Instead, Jeff Flake spent his weekend with the billionaire Koch brothers and other GOP donors.

Even worse, the Koch officials Flake was hobnobbing with thought Trumpcare, which would strip away health care coverage from millions, make deep cuts to Medicaid, and cause healthcare costs to skyrocket, all to cut taxes for the rich, “didn’t go far enough.”

“It’s outrageous that instead of listening to the concerns of the people he represents, Jeff Flake spent his weekend schmoozing with billionaire Big Oil donors who are pushing for legislation that will spell disaster for Arizona working families,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “The Senate version of Trumpcare would gut Medicaid and cut millions of Americans off from lifesaving care in order to give the wealthiest Americans like the Koch brothers tax cuts — and they want to make it even worse. Arizonans deserve better and they’ll hold Jeff Flake accountable for putting wealthy donors ahead of them.”

Americans for Prosperity plans to spend as much as $400 million to prop up right-wing candidates in the 2018 election, so no wonder Jeff Flake is putting them first. Flake has voted with the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity 98 percent of the time

Published: Jun 26, 2017

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