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Tuesday, Oct 17 2017

ICYMI: Ingraham and Brat Trash Gillespie Hours Before Brat To Appear With Gillespie

Oct 17, 2017

Just hours before Ed Gillespie is scheduled to campaign with Rep. Dave Brat in Goochland, Brat appeared on Laura Ingraham’s radio show to discuss Gillespie’s failing campaign.

As Brat murmured in agreement, Ingraham trashed Gillespie’s campaign, calling his high-dollar fundraising appearance with George Bush a “huge mistake” and saying, “Ed Gillespie is seen as a strong member of the establishment GOP. The establishment GOP has approval ratings up in the high teens.”

She goes on to complain, “He never picked up the phone and contacted me. We’ve invited [Gillespie] on this radio show. He refuses to come on the radio show despite its popularity throughout the commonwealth — and that tells you everything you need to know. You know who else didn’t come on this show? Eric Cantor. John Boehner.” She concludes, “the track record for people who haven’t come on our show is not very good.”

Brat himself admits Gillespie is “walking a tightrope” and say “hopefully in the last few weeks he’ll pump it up.”

American Bridge Spokesperson Lizzy Price said:

“Maybe Ed Gillespie needs his new friend Steve Bannon to talk to Dave Brat about feigning excitement about the campaign.”

Published: Oct 17, 2017

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