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Wednesday, Nov 16 2011

Houston Chronicle: Rick Perry’s ‘wrecking ball’ plan, explained

Nov 16, 2011

On November 15, 2011, the Houston Chronicle reported:

Perry also said he would jail lawmakers profiting from insider information, a reference to a CBS “60 Minutes” program that showed some congressional members bought stock in companies with an interest in pending legislation.

A Democratic political action committee, American Bridge 21st Century, said Perry’s proposal smacked of hypocrisy and said the governor made tidy profits in stock holdings in Kinetic Concepts through his association with San Antonio-based James Leininger.

Perry and Leininger have denied any wrongdoing.

American Bridge 21st Century also referred to lucrative land deals that have been questioned in detailed stories in several Texas newspapers.

Read the full article here

Published: Nov 16, 2011

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