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Tuesday, Sep 26 2017

Heller's Disastrous Bill Won't Get Vote

Sep 26, 2017

After reports that the disastrous Graham-Cassidy-Heller health care bill won’t get a vote in the SenateAmerican Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp released the following statement:
“Dean Heller’s abomination of a bill would have ripped health care coverage away from 32 million Americans and made costs skyrocket for people with preexisting conditions, all while giving special deals to a few states where Heller was trying to buy senators off. It was a total disaster that even his own governor came out against, so it’s no wonder he couldn’t get the support he needed to bring it for a vote in the Senate. But Nevadans won’t soon forget Heller’s broken promises and repeated efforts to take away their health care and he’ll be held accountable next November.”

Published: Sep 26, 2017

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