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Tuesday, Mar 21 2017 Dean Heller Hasn't Held a Public Meeting With His Constituents in Months

Mar 21, 2017

Today, American Bridge 21st Century launched a new website,, holding Dean Heller accountable for running away from his constituents. Heller hasn’t held a public meeting with his constituents since this Congress began — more than 2 months ago — denying them the opportunity to share their views on Trump’s dangerous agenda.

For a second-by-second look at just how long it’s been since lazy Dean Heller had a public meeting with Nevadans, head to

Statement by American Bridge President Jessica Mackler:

“Dean Heller is running from Nevadans, hiding behind closed doors because he knows he can’t defend his reckless record or Trump’s agenda. Heller would have to own up to voting over 20 times to repeal the Affordable are Act and strip insurance from up to 400,000 Nevadans, and admit he refuses to support an independent investigation into Trump’s dangerous ties to Russia. That’s why Dean Heller hasn’t shown up to a public event this entire Congress — but you can count on Nevadans to show up at the ballot box next year and hold Heller accountable.”

Published: Mar 21, 2017

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