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Tuesday, Jul 25 2017

Heller Sold Out Nevadans on Health Care and Has Forever Lost Their Trust

Jul 25, 2017

Following Dean Heller’s announcement today that he will vote yes to open debate on the GOP’s health care bill, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement:

“With his announcement today, Dean Heller has proven to Nevadans that he will always put himself first, and them last, even at the expense of their families’ health and economic security. Make no mistake about it: Heller’s vote today is a vote to undermine the entire American healthcare system, forcing millions Americans off their health care, weakening protections, and raising costs for millions more. Despite promising to oppose legislation with exactly these outcomes, Heller sold out Nevadans and put his own political career first. Nevadans didn’t trust Dean Heller yesterday, and today he has lost their trust forever.”

Published: Jul 25, 2017

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