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Thursday, Jun 21 2018

Hawley Backs Reckless Tariffs Putting Missouri Manufacturers Out of Business

Jun 21, 2018

Hawley: “The President is right to focus on the fact that our trade partners ought to actually obey the rules. He’s right to say that China and other countries like that, that our violating the trade pact with impunity, whether it’s currency manipulation or what have you, that needs to stop.”

devastating report out yesterday highlighted a southeastern Missouri nail manufacturer — the last major nail manufacturer in the country — that may soon go out of business because of President Trump’s steel tariffs.
Missouri’s GOP Senate candidate Josh Hawley is on the record multiple times as a supporter of Trump’s reckless tariffs, saying last week, “I think he’s on the right track.”

“Josh Hawley is backing policies that will do direct harm to Missouri workers, farmers, and businesses. Hawley has shown that when it comes to choosing between Missourians and his political ambitions, Missourians lose out every time,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman.

Missourinet: Trump tariffs blamed for potential closure of major southeast Missouri employer
By Alisa Nelson | June 20, 2018

  • The last major U.S. nail manufacturer – located in southeast Missouri – could be out of business by Labor Day.
  • “George Skarich of Mid Continent Nail Corporation in Poplar Bluff says President Trump’s 25% tariff on steel imports is pricing the company out of the market.”
  • “If it closes, about 500 workers would be in the unemployment line in a region already suffering from serious economic hardships.”
  • “‘We need our wire to be excluded from this tariff or we will have to increase the layoffs we’ve already begun,’ Skarich says.”
  • Mid Continent Nail Corporation is one of the largest employers in Butler Countyand the second largest one in Poplar Bluff.”
Read the full article here.

Published: Jun 21, 2018

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