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Thursday, Jan 25 2018

GOP Senate candidate Lou Barletta did interview in 2006 with Holocaust-denying publication

Jan 25, 2018

An explosive new report raises serious questions about Lou Barletta’s judgement and beliefs. Barletta’s inflammatory views span his entire career, from his anti immigration legislation that was struck down as unconstitutional in federal court to lending his name to Holocaust deniers.

“If you needed more evidence that Lou Barletta is unfit to serve in the U.S. Senate, look no further than his pattern of associating himself with anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists. These associations will come back to haunt him — count on it,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

CNN: GOP Senate candidate Lou Barletta did interview in 2006 with Holocaust-denying publication
By Andrew Kaczynski and Chris Massie | January 25, 2018

  • “As mayor, Barletta did an interview with a fringe publication that promotes Holocaust denial and headlined a rally where a political activist and musician who has questioned the Holocaust and promoted conspiracies about the September 11, 2001 attacks also spoke and performed. As a congressman, Barletta appeared on a panel put on by the controversial Youth for Western Civilization and spoke at an event hosted by a journal that pushes extreme anti-immigrant views.”
  • “A KFile review turned up an October 2006 interview Barletta did with American Free Press, a publication that regularly promotes conspiracy theories including that the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were a ‘Jewish plot’ and the Holocaust was a hoax.”
  • “That same year, Barletta appeared in an ‘exclusive interview’ for Americans for Immigration Control, an organization that believes the ‘annual tidal wave of over a million immigrants (legal and illegal) is endangering our American way of life,'”
  • “In 2011, Barletta spoke at an event hosted by The Social Contract, a journal whose editor, Wayne Lutton, argued in a 2010 edition of the journal that ‘Islam itself is the problem’ and called for the end of all Muslim immigration to the US.”

Read the full article here.

Published: Jan 25, 2018

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