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Wednesday, May 9 2018

GOP Opponent Slams Adam Laxalt for Pay to Play Connection to Sheldon Adelson

May 09, 2018

LISTEN: “If You Want Governor Adelson, Vote for Laxalt”


This morning, Republican State Treasurer Dan Schwartz blasted Washington, D.C. native Adam Laxalt for being “in the pocket” of billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson. Schwartz went on to say that “if you want Governor Adelson, vote for Laxalt.”

Adelson is one of Laxalt’s biggest campaign donor, and Laxalt has returned the favor in kind by doing Adelson’s bidding as Attorney General. Adelson’s top political aides run Laxalt’s campaign, and Laxalt has even strong armed regulators to help Adelson.

“Adam Laxalt is a fully owned subsidiary of Sheldon Adelson and even an out of touch Republican like Dan Schwartz can see that,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson.“Schwartz’s comments are a reminder that Adam Laxalt has spent his time as Attorney General protecting his billionaire donor’s bottom line, not the people of Nevada.”

Listen to Schwartz slam Laxalt here.

Published: May 9, 2018

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