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Thursday, Mar 3 2016

GOP Candidates Terrible Flint Water Emergency Non-Response

Mar 03, 2016

Nearly 100,000 Americans don’t have access to clean water. Upwards of 8,600 children under the age of 6 may have been exposed to lead in Flint, Michigan. In addition to “skin lesions, hair loss, vision loss, memory loss, depression and anxiety,” exposure to lead can have life altering damages: It “can affect a developing child’s IQ, resulting in learning disabilities.”
The gravity of the Flint water emergency cannot be understated. Yet, none of the Republican candidates will criticize Governor Rick Snyder or put out any kind of plan for how they would handle the horrific crisis. Instead, the GOPers on stage have refused to comment, pretended to know nothing about the crisis, and even called Snyder “a problem solver.” 
The GOP candidates refusal to recognize the weight of Flint is just one more way they fail the commander-in-chief test:

Published: Mar 3, 2016

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