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Thursday, Oct 26 2017

Gillespie-Martinez Bleak Economic Plan for Virginia

Oct 26, 2017

Today, Ed Gillespie is holding two business roundtables with New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez. Gillespie must really be asking for any help he can get in Virginia, because Gov. Martinez’s economic record is bleak. Here’s a peek:

  •  New Mexico ranked 47th in job creation in 2016.
  • New Mexico was ranked 47th in economic growth in 2017.
  • Among young adults, the state ranked dead last in economic growth.
  • In 2017, New Mexico’s unemployment rate was the second highest in the nation, at 6.7%
  • Between 2013 and 2017, New Mexico dropped 9 spots in quality of life measures.
  • In 2017, New Mexico was ranked the 9th worst state to live in.
  • New Mexico lagged in infrastructure, ranked 38th in the country

And if the data weren’t enough, Donald Trump, Gillespie’s biggest fan, even called out Gov. Susana Martinez for “not doing the job” in New Mexico.

American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement:

“Ed Gillespie is so desperate that he’s holding business roundtables with a governor who has tanked job creation in her state. Just like Gillespie’s proposed tax cut for himself, Martinez’s economic plans will do nothing but stifle economic growth—just ask one of the young adults who can’t find a good-paying job.”


2017: New Mexico Ranked In The Bottom Tenth For Economic Growth, And Dead Last In Growth For The State’s Young Population

2017: U.S. News Ranked New Mexico 47th In Economic Growth And 50th In Economic Growth Of The State’s Young Population, Ages 25 -29. [U.S. News Rankings, Accessed 10/24/17]

2017: U.S. News Ranked New Mexico’s Employment Rate Of 6.7% As 2nd Highest In The Nation. [U.S. News Rankings, Accessed 10/24/17]
New Mexico Lagged Behind Other States In Business Climate And Job Creation

New Mexico Ranked 42nd On The Climate For Business Scorecard

2017: CNBC Ranked New Mexico’s Overall State Economic Climate For Business At 42nd In The Nation, Below That Of Its Neighboring States Texas, Colorado And Arizona. [CNBC, Accessed 10/24/17]

New Mexico Ranked 47th Place In Job Creation

2016: Federal Data Showed New Mexico Lost 3,100 Jobs In 2016, Placing The State At 47th In Job Creation. [Albuquerque Business Journal, 11/18/16]


New Mexico’s Infrastructure Rankings Lagged Under Martinez

2017: U.S. News Reported New Mexico Ranked 38th In Infrastructure

2017: U.S. News Ranked New Mexico 38th In The Nation For Infrastructure, With A Ranking Of 34th For Road Quality, 28th  For Electricity Price, And 42nd For Internet Access. [U.S. News Rankings, Accessed 10/24/17]

CNBC Downgraded It’s Ranking Of New Mexico’s Infrastructure From 14th In The Nation In 2016 To 16th In The Nation In 2017

2017: CNBC Ranked New Mexico’s Infrastructure 16th In The Nation, Down From 14th In 2016.  [CNBC, Accessed 9/27/17]


New Mexico Was Ranked Amongst The Worst 10 States To Live In

2017: CNBC Ranked New Mexico Was Ranked The 9th Worst State To Live In. [CBS, Accessed 10/24/17]
Quality Of Life Dropped Under Martinez

CNBC: In 2017 New Mexico’s Quality Of Life Ranked 42nd, Down 9 From 33rd Place In 2014 And 36th In 2016. [CNBC, 6/24/14; CNBC, Accessed 10/24/17]

Under Martinez, New Mexico Had 44th Highest Income Inequality Among The States

2013: Economic Policy Institute Ranked New Mexico 44th Out Of 50 For Income Inequality. [Economic Policy Institute, Accessed 10/25/17]

Published: Oct 26, 2017

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