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News Thursday, Mar 3 2016

Four Candidates On Stage, Only One Immigration Policy: Trump's

Mar 03, 2016

Sorry Megyn Kelly, there’s hardly any choice between the anti-immigrant plans from Republicans on stage tonight.

There are four candidates left in the race for the GOP nomination — but in terms of immigration policy and rhetoric, there might as well only be one: Donald Trump.

Trump’s push to “build the wall” has gone from farcical to the motto of every GOP presidential candidate. From “anchor babies” to “rapists,” Trump’s offensive and incendiary rhetoric has spread like wildfire. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have spent months running to the right in an attempt to catch Trump, and even “moderate” Kasich wants to finish “the wall.”

The lessons from 2012 aren’t forgotten — they’re under siege. The Republican Party is still pushing the exact same xenophobic and hateful anti-immigrant policies.

Here’s how Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich are emulating Trump’s immigration plan:

Published: Mar 3, 2016

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