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Wednesday, Sep 15 2021

Families Receive Third Check Thanks To President Biden’s Expanded Child Tax Credit

Sep 15, 2021

As Democrats fight to make President Biden’s expanded Child Tax Credit permanent, families celebrate more money for child care and back-to-school shopping

Today, parents across the country will receive a third check after the latest installment of President Biden and congressional Democrats’ expanded Child Tax Credit. This middle-class tax cut for hard-working families is a fundamental component of the Biden-Harris’ agenda and sends qualifying families up to $300 a month per child. Since congressional Democrats passed President Biden’s American Rescue Plan last March, a majority of Americans have signaled their support for the provision – despite continued attacks from Republicans in Congress who unanimously opposed the legislation.

“With children back in school and parents re-entering the workforce in record numbers, President Biden and congressional Democrats’ expanded child tax credit remains a lifeline for the families juggling the costs of child care,” said American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Floyd. “As we head into the midterms, American Bridge 21st Century will ensure voters know that Democrats delivered a historic tax cut for middle-class families without a single Republican vote.”

Unlike Republicans’ 2017 tax law, which benefited major corporations and the wealthiest 1%, the American Rescue Plan’s expanded Child Tax Credit benefits 39 million families and will “cut child poverty by nearly half.”

Ahead of the 2022 midterms, American Bridge 21st Century has launched a $100 million paid media campaign in key swing states to highlight President Biden’s record of results. Ads in PennsylvaniaArizonaVirginia, and Georgia focus on the parents, families, small businesses, and communities impacted by Democratic accomplishments, like the Child Tax Credit, found in the American Rescue Plan. 

Here is what parents across the country are saying about President Biden and congressional Democrats’ historic middle-class tax cut

  • Wisconsin — Up North NewsWisconsin Families Seeing Benefits Two Months Into Child Tax Credit Expansion. “When the Stanleys initially heard about it, they’d planned to use that money to pay off debt and build up their savings. Now they’ve found a more immediate use for it: childcare costs. ‘For us, that money is really going to help a lot,’ Breana Stanley said, noting the childcare bill for Abram will total $194 weekly. Lennon will turn 5 next month and will attend 4-year-old kindergarten classes this school year.” 
  • Georgia — The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: As pandemic squeezes budgets, Georgia families lean on child tax credit checks. “Katie Sanchez used a portion of her child tax credit payments — $750 for three children over 5 — to help bring her rent balance down to zero. Money also went to cover other household expenses, including food, she said.’Had they not done something like that, not only for me but all the millions of families who have actually lost their jobs or didn’t have a job to go to, where would we all be as of now?’”
  • Michigan — Detroit Free PressDetroiters going door to door to make sure families don’t miss out on child tax credit. Rios, who grew up in southwest Detroit, said she had heard some people discussing the child tax credit in the neighborhood but she wasn’t sure whether she would get it and she wasn’t really waiting for it. But the money arrived just in time. Her son will be attending kindergarten this year at Hope of Detroit Academy and she’s used the extra cash to buy him school supplies, school uniforms, and items that are needed for the classroom, including Clorox wipes and tissues.
  • Mississippi — NPRHow The Child Tax Credit Is Helping Families In Mississippi. “Nearly all of the families that we work with have recognized and indicated that this has been a lifeline. And that mom that you were talking about – it was right when the first checks were received back in July, and I was talking to one of our moms and asking her what was she going to do with her first check? And she said, I am going to go help my boys pick out their backpack.”
  • North Carolina — Spectacular MagazineBiden’s Monthly Tax Cuts Bring Relief; GOP Candidates’ Opposition Hurts Families. “ […] I can say without a doubt that they have been a game-changer for my family. […] As the dad of a second-grader, I am so grateful to have this extra relief to pay for the $240 cost of math and reading tutoring that my daughter needs each month. Being in a position to do this for my daughter is a blessing. Without this extra income, I wouldn’t be able to afford the additional help she needs to be successful in the upcoming school year and beyond.”


Published: Sep 15, 2021

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