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Friday, Apr 8 2022

Everyone Hates Arizona Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Mark Brnovich

Apr 08, 2022

This week, just about everyone is mad at Arizona Attorney General and GOP U.S. Senate candidate Mark Brnovich, who’s conducting a sham, taxpayer-funded investigation into baseless lies about the 2020 election — all in a brazen, desperate attempt to impress Trump and boost his Senate campaign.

Caught in a vise by Trump’s Big Lie,” Brnovich on Wednesday released a letter updating on that investigation. Shocking no one (save the most committed of conspiracy theorists), Brnovich’s update disclosed “no proof of 2020 election fraud.”

But that didn’t stop Brnovich from aggressively promoting the taxpayer-funded Big Lie letter and investigation from his Senate campaign, including by making an appearance on Steve Bannon’s podcast where he “made overtures to those who still say, without evidence, the 2020 election was rigged against Trump.”
Brnovich has already proven he’s totally untrustworthy and unfit to be Arizona’s U.S. Senator. And there’s zero question he’ll continue to baselessly advance the Big Lie, as his GOP primary opponents go all in to pressure him on the subject. So, the only question remaining is one posed Thursday by the Arizona Republic: “Will Trump endorse Mark Brnovich after report detailing ‘questions’ about 2020 election?”

Published: Apr 8, 2022 | Last Modified: Apr 12, 2022

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