Trump’s latest unhinged tweets have fact checked as false by the Associated Press and have the lawyers opposing Trump travel ban popping champagne, but Trump’s own spokespeople are struggling to defend them. Even Kellyanne Conway’s husband, a potential Trump nominee to the Justice Department has had enough with Trump’s tweets.
Here are three Trump administration spokespeople trying to distract, dodge and duck questions about Trump’s tweets:
Watch Kellyanne Conway Claim There Is An Obsession With Covering Every Tweet: “Every time you said twitter, imagine if you said terrorist….. You are covering tweets…. This obsession with covering everything he says on twitter and very little of what he does…”
Watch Seb Gorka Claim Trump’s Tweets Aren’t Policy, Just Social Media: “I just find it really disappointing that not only did you have one of your staff on before me for several minutes to discuss the President’s tweets but now eight minutes into this interview you are doing it again…. It’s not policy, it’s social media…. To judge national security, in a time of things like the Manchester and London attacks, based upon social media statements is irresponsible of you…”
Watch Sarah Huckabee Sanders Claim The Media Obsesses Over Every Period In Trump’s Tweets: “I do think that the media obsesses over every period, dot, as John was a perfect example earlier he made a mistake, his colleague politely corrected him, if somebody from our administration had done the same all hell would have broken loose and it would that its just total like chaos and conundrum here at the white house. So I think it is just the obsession over every detail of the President’s tweets.”
Published: Jun 5, 2017