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Monday, Mar 6 2017

Donald Trump remains silent as GM lays off workers

Mar 06, 2017

“As Donald Trump tries to distract the American public from his administration’s mismanagement and dangerous ties to Russia, his silence as GM lay’s off workers in Lansing, Michigan is telling.  Earlier this year Trump disingenuously took credit for a GM job creation announcement that was quickly proven to have been in-process for years.  Now, despite his assurances to American workers that he would fight against layoffs, he’s uncharacteristically quiet.  You can’t have it both ways – and it would be highly foolish as well as disrespectful to expect workers not to notice,” said American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates.

Detroit News, 3/6/2017: “General Motors Co. said Monday it will cut the third shift at its Lansing Delta Township assembly plant, effective May 12Monday’s move follows two other shift reductions in recent months at GM assembly plants in Michigan, bringing the total workers affected by the changes to some 3,200 hourly and salaried employees. A number of those workers will be laid off, while others may have been transferred to other plants. The shift reduction will affect about 1,100 hourly and salaried employees at the plant, GM spokeswoman Erin Davis said. GM expects the number who will be laid off will be less than that figure after it places eligible workers into open positions at other plants.”

ABC News, 1/18/2017: “President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter this morning to once again take credit for General Motors’ decision to add or keep thousands of American jobs, saying the jobs ‘came back because of me!’…GM’s plans to add or keep 7,000 American jobs and invest $1 billion in United States manufacturing, which were announced Tuesday and later touted by Trump on Twitter, were actually ‘years in the making,’ according to the company.”

NBC News, 1/18/2017“GM announced it was creating 450 new American jobs on Tuesday, for example, and moving 6,000 existing technology jobs back to the United States. The company’s official announcement does not mention Trump or the federal government. Instead, it casts the steps as part of a four-year efficiency plan. GM’s financial materials and previous corporate statements support that assertion.”

Bloomberg, 1/18/2017: “For many companies, including General Motors Co. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc., new promises to add jobs are repackaged versions of plans that were already in place before the election. They would have been carried out regardless of who’s living in the White House, analysts say.”

Published: Mar 6, 2017

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