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Wednesday, May 12 2021

American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Deval Patrick on House GOP Vote

May 12, 2021

Today, following the House GOP’s vote to expel Liz Cheney from leadership for failing to embrace the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, American Bridge 21st Century co-chair Deval Patrick released the following statement:

“I’m a competitive Democrat but I take no pleasure in today’s Republican chaos. By voting to punish a truth-teller for not promoting the Big Lie, Congressional Republicans have revealed themselves again as loyal to power above principle. When you combine this with their efforts to suppress the vote, interfere with vote counting, and draw district lines to engineer outcomes, anyone can see — and every American should — that the Republican Party is out of ideas and will sacrifice democracy itself for control. The true patriots left in the Republican House and Senate Caucus must join Democrats and pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. There is no time to waste.” 

Published: May 12, 2021

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