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Monday, May 14 2018

Desperate Dean Heller Tries to Play Both Sides, Fails

May 14, 2018

“After a string of desperate partisan ploys designed to please both ends of his party, Heller has come up empty-handed,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “Nevada Republicans have said it best: Heller’s incessant flip-flopping reeks of election-year convenience.”

Dean Heller, Buffeted on Both Sides, Tries to Save His Nevada Senate Seat
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg | May 13, 2018

  • There was not an overabundance of enthusiasm for Senator Dean Heller when the Nevada Republican Men’s Club gathered for its monthly luncheon.”
  • “Karl Johnson, a precinct director for the Clark County Republican Party, wrinkled his nose and raised his eyebrows when asked about Mr. Heller’s prospects for re-election.
  • “Paul Workman, a banker who supports Mr. Heller, said conservatives are complaining to him about the Republican senator’s shifting stances on health care.”
  • “Linda Cannon, a candidate for the Nevada State Assembly, summed up the views of many. ‘I’m going to hold my nose and vote for him,’ she said.”
  • Heller “is still trying to recover from last year’s health care debacle, when he enraged conservatives by voting against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act — only to anger moderates and Democrats when he turned around and voted for a narrower version of the repeal.”
  • Trump voters, who “have not forgotten that in 2016 he declared himself ‘vehemently opposed’ to Mr. Trump as a candidate,” “are suspicious of his recent embrace of the president.
  • Conservative talk show host Wayne Allyn Root asked whether Heller’s change of tune was “a miraculous religious conversion or is it just convenience to get elected again,” saying “I’m a skeptical guy.”

 Read the full story here.

Published: May 14, 2018

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