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Wednesday, Dec 6 2017

Dean Heller's Tax Bill Rigged For Wealthy To Avoid Paying Taxes

Dec 06, 2017

“Dean Heller is learning the hard way what common sense should have told him: writing a tax bill that will affect every single American in secret and trying to rush it through against bipartisan opposition is a recipe for disaster. Now, even Republican tax experts are raising the alarm that Heller’s bill creates brand new loopholes for the wealthy to avoid paying taxes — all paid for by hiking taxes on the middle class,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Next year, voters are going to hold Heller responsible for authoring this disastrous tax hike on the middle class.”

SHOT: ‘Holy crap’: Experts Find Tax Plan Riddled With Glitches – Politico, 12/6/17

  • “Republicans’ tax-rewrite plans are riddled with bugs, loopholes and other potential problems that could plague lawmakers long after their legislation is signed into law.”
  • Provisions “would open a whole new palette of complicated tax-avoidance techniques allowing the well-to-do to slash their taxes, lawyers say.”
  • “Some provisions are so vaguely written they leave experts scratching their heads.”
  • “That breakneck pace means there hasn’t been much time for feedback from experts outside the Capitol.”

CHASER: “I helped write it!” – Dean Heller on the Republican Tax Bill, 12/2/17

Published: Dec 6, 2017

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