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Tuesday, Jul 18 2017

Dean Heller Will Still Have to Answer for Trumpcare

Jul 18, 2017

The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act — resulting in worse health care for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans — might be collapsing in Congress, but back home in Nevada, Dean Heller won’t be able to escape his record.

“Whether it’s Republicans’ latest health bill, or repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement, Dean Heller is stuck with a cruel plan to take away health care from millions — like gum stuck to a shoe,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Despite Trumpcare’s collapse in the Senate, Heller helped negotiate the bill and championed numerous disastrous ACA repeal bills that all rip away coverage from Americans who desperately need it, and Nevadans will hold him responsible.”

Heller has voted 20 times to repeal or undermine ACA, helped write Trumpcare in secret, and said he’d do everything he could to “get to yes” on the Trumpcare bill.

Published: Jul 18, 2017

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