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Friday, Jul 21 2017

Dean Heller Doesn't Have a Clue on Health Care

Jul 21, 2017

Dean Heller’s spent this week doing his best impersonation of a Magic 8 Ball, refusing to discuss Nevadans’ health care with reporters and giving meaningless answers when cornered.
Yesterday, in a bizarre interview with AxiosHeller couldn’t give a clear answer to seven questions in a row about Trumpcare:
  • Where do you stand? “I don’t have an answer.”
  • What about premiums? “That’s one of the variables.”
  • Would higher premiums be bad? “Well, you know, all the scoring and everything.”
  • What if Nevadans lose coverage? “I’m not going to talk about that.”
  • What would you tell Nevadans? “It just depends on the individual.”
  • Is Gov. Sandoval a factor in your decision? “Everything’s a factor.”
  • You sound pretty flexible. “I hope so.”
“It sounds like Dean Heller’s replaced his usual word salad with a Magic 8 Ball — that’s how terrified he is of taking a stand against Donald Trump and the Senate’s health care bill. Heller isn’t fighting for Nevadans’ health care — he’s fighting to save his political skin. Unfortunately for him, his ham-handed attempt to sit on the fence while Trumpcare lurches toward passage is transparent to everyone, and Nevadans will hold him accountable next November,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp.

Published: Jul 21, 2017

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