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Tuesday, May 22 2018

DAMAGE CONTROL: After Saying He Wouldn’t Spend Money on Ads During Primary, Adam Laxalt Forced to Go On TV to Defend Support of Alleged Rapist Sheriff

May 22, 2018

Las Vegas Sands Review-Journal employee Victor Joeks “reported” today that Washington, D.C. native Adam Laxalt will be launching television ads next week. This comes just days after Laxalt told a group of supporters he would not be spending money on television ads until the general election.

At the same event, Laxalt was asked about his support for alleged rapist and admitted sexual harasser, Storey County Sheriff Gerald Antinoro. While Laxalt ran away from the question, the pressure didn’t stop there. The very next day American Bridge launched new ads against Laxalt on his standing with sexual predators over female victims. The ads followed previous Facebook ads American Bridge launched against Laxalt over his support of misogynists and sexual predators. Nevada women have also protested outside Laxalt’s offices in Las Vegas and Reno over the last few weeks.

“Adam Laxalt is clearly feeling the heat over his support of an alleged rapist and sexual harasser, yet he continues to tout Antinoro’s endorsement on his website,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “It’s sad that Laxalt would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on damage control than renounce the support of the sexual predators supporting his campaign.”

Published: May 22, 2018

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