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Tuesday, Feb 5 2019

Daines Touts His Support for Law Enforcement at State of the Union Despite Repeatedly Voting Against Public Safety

Feb 05, 2019

The Montana Post: Daines Touts His Support for Law Enforcement at State of the Union Despite Repeatedly Voting Against Public Safety

By Don Pogreba | February 4, 2019

  • “Senator Daines announced last week that he would be inviting Jodi Moore, the wife of Broadwater County sheriff’s deputy Mason Moore, an officer tragically killed in the line of duty during a traffic stop in 2017, as his guest to the State of the Union address.”
  • It is hard to reconcile Daines’s decision to invite her with his voting record, one that shows a clear pattern of refusing to support first responders, those battling the opioid crisis, and programs designed to combat violence against women.
  • “In 2014, as a member of the House, Daines voted against increasing funding for programs to combat violence against women and support community policing in the COPS measure. In that vote, Daines, also rejected additional funding for helping states and communities address the backlog of testing sexual assault kits, a pervasive problem here in Montana.”
  • “In 2017, he voted against an amendment that would have provided $2.2 billion dollars for vital services, including law enforcement grants and $242 million to fight opioid and heroin addiction.”
  • “In 2018, Daines once again voted against law enforcement and crime prevention measures by voting against the FY 2018 Omnibus spending bill.” The bill “also included a $3 billion dollar increase in funding to address the nation’s opioid crisis.”
  • “While he gives lip service to the needs of law enforcement, first responders, and those facing the opioid epidemic, Daines repeatedly votes against programs that will make our communities safer and efforts to improve the health and safety of those first responders.”
  • “It’s classic Daines. While he even seems to, at some level, recognize the need to fund vital government services, he’s more beholden to the corporate interests who elected him than the people of Montana who need him to represent us in Washington.
  • “While inviting Mrs. Moore to Washington rightly recognizes her loss and the gratitude of the people of Montana, it’s time for Daines to move past political theater and time for him to vote for real tools to reduce crime in our communities.”

Read the full story here.

Published: Feb 5, 2019

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