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Thursday, Dec 1 2011

Plain Dealer: Shady pics and video: Groups backing Josh Mandel, Sherrod Brown having fun and fits

Dec 01, 2011

On December 1, 2011, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported:

Speaking of authentic images, Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, a Republican who plans to run against Brown and is supported by the Chamber of Commerce, was in Washington yesterday to raise money. A video tracking team from American Bridge, a political group that says it wants to “hold Republicans accountable,” was waiting for him outside one of the Capitol Hill events, and the video — of a fast-walking Mandel — is posted above.

The conversation is a little hard to decipher, so here’s help:

Tracker: “Treasurer Mandel, we see you in D.C. a lot raising money from Washington lobbyists. Are you missing any important duties back home as Ohio’s treasurer? Treasurer Mandel?”

Mandel: (Silence, but a brisk walk.)

Published: Dec 1, 2011 | Last Modified: Apr 21, 2021

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