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Friday, Jan 24 2014

Christie Admin Cites Executive Privilege in Denying & Delaying Request for Staff Personal Emails

Jan 24, 2014

After Governor Chris Christie stated that he would “act accordingly in terms of releasing…to the public” information related to his office’s conduct in the bridge scandal, his administration has now provided unlawful reasons for denying and delaying its response to a request for personal email correspondence of Bridget Anne Kelly and Michael Drewniak.

American Bridge requested those emails be made available to the public under New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA) following revelations that Christie’s staff conducted official business on personal accounts. Christie’s administration failed to provide a timeline for releasing these emails, and cited the volume of requests it is receiving in its response. Most concerning in the Christie administration’s denial is its reference to executive privilege.

If Christie truly wanted to put this scandal behind him, his office would swiftly comply with requests for information related to his staff’s conduct.

Here is a copy of the letter from the Christie Administration.

And here is American Bridge’s response to their unlawful delay in responding to our request.

Published: Jan 24, 2014

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